Conference workshops are now open for registration!
There will be three pre-conference workshops on Sunday May 14th and one post-conference workshop on Friday May 19th.
The following workshops will be offered:
Sunday May 14, 2023 | 9 am – 5 pm
- Using microclimate data and models for ecological applications (see description here)
- A two-part Species Distribution Modeling workshop: SDM Part 1 Building species distribution models in accordance with the ecological niche theory (see description here) and SDM Part 2 Theory and practice of model-based data integration for modeling species’ distributions (see description here).
- Application of connectivity modeling to identify and predict movement and range redistribution (see description here)
Friday May 19, 2023 | 1pm – 6pm
- Creating your own downscaled future climate data for ecological applications using CHELSA CMIP6 (see description here)